Dielectric phantom recipe generator
This form can be used to determine the gel ingredients needed to obtain the desired values for permittivity and conductivity for a given magnetic resonance frequency.

Sucrose-based phantom material

This is based on the following work:
Qi Duan, Jeff H. Duyn, Natalia Gudino, Jacco A. de Zwart, Peter van Gelderen, Daniel K. Sodickson, Ryan Brown
Characterization of a dielectric phantom for high-field magnetic resonance imaging applications
Med Phys 41, 102303 (2014)

If you would like to make your own implementation of this polynomial model you can download the required coefficients and other essentials here. An example matlab script shows how to compute the various parameters based on the following:
  The polynomial coefficients for conductivity
  The polynomial coefficients for permittivity
  The power matrix
  The limits for various tissues

The estimated values for phantom material density and heat capacity are based on the Beet-Sugar Handbook by Mosen Asadi (2006 Wiley; ISBN 978-0-471-76347-5).

The estimated value for thermal conductivity is based on a publication in the 1966 Proceedings of the South African Sugar Technologists' Association:
E.J. Buchanan
Economic design and operation of process heat exchange equipment
Proc SASTA Mar 1966, p 89-101

Polyvinylpyrrolidone-based phantom material

This second-generation tool adds support for the creation of phantoms based on polyvinylpyrrolidone, or PVP, instead of sucrose. For more information please refer to this paper:
Carlotta Ianniello, Jacco A. de Zwart Qi Duan Cem M. Deniz Leeor Alon Jae‐Seung Lee Riccardo Lattanzi Ryan Brown
Synthesized tissue‐equivalent dielectric phantoms using salt and polyvinylpyrrolidone solutions
Magn Reson Med 80, p 413-419 (2018)

Questions? Suggestions? Concerns?

If you have questions or comments, please contact Ryan Brown at: ryan . browna@tnyumc . org
Enter desired gel characteristics here:

Conductivity [S/m]:
Resonance frequency [MHz]:
Water volume [ml]:
Agarose1 concentration [%]*:
Benzoic Acid concentration [%]*:
Temperature [degC]:
  *Not required for PVP phantoms
1 Agarose used deriving the model: Sigma-Aldrich p/n 05039
The recipe generator is suitable for relative permittivity = 40 to 78, conductivity = 0.2 to 2 S/m, and frequency = 150 MHz to 4.5 GHz. Recipes that target dielectric properties or frequencies outside these ranges are prone to error.
Current release dated 2016-12-09  

 Number of recepies generated since 2017-03-03: 9524