Peter van Gelderen

Staff Scientist

Contact Information

P. van Gelderen
10 Center Dr.
Bldg. 10, Rm. B1D-726 - MSC 1065
Bethesda, MD 20892-1065
Tel: +1 301 402 1472
Fax: +1 301 480 2558

Research Interests

My work focuses on development of MRI techniques, methods for brain imaging and understanding the physics of various contrast mechanisms and their relation to biology. This has involved everything from hardware and system design to data analysis, but most of my work has been on imaging acquisition and reconstruction methods, ie.pulse sequence design, implementation and testing. Applications have included imaging of diffusion, perfusion, (relative) blood volume, (relative) iron concentration, high resolution anatomy and fMRI, MT and inversion contrast.


job title Laboratory starting date
Visiting Fellow In Vivo NMR Research Center, BEIP, NCRR, NIH may 1993
Visiting Associate In Vivo NMR Research Center, BEIP, NCRR/ NINDS, NIH october 1996
Visiting Scientist FMIF, NIMH, NIH november 1999
Visiting Scientist AMRI, LFMI, NINDS, NIH december 2000


  • Ir. (= MSc) in Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, from September 1984 to November 1988.
    MSc.-thesis on NMR, 'Investigation of selection methods for localized spectroscopy', in the Applied Physics department.
  • Dr. (PhD) in the Technical Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, from January 1989 to February 1993, with Prof. A.F. Mehlkopf, in the Applied Physics department.
    PhD thesis 'Diffusion techniques for in vivo NMR', Delft University Press, 1993. The degree was awarded on May 3, 1993.


  1. T.M. Moehlman, J.A. de Zwart, M.G. Chappel-Farley, X. Liu, I.B. McClain, C. Chang, H. Mandelkow, P.S. Özbay, N.L. Johnson, R.E. Bieber, K.A. Fernandez, K.A. King, C.K. Zalewski, C.C. Brewer, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn, D. Picchioni
    All-night functional magnetic resonance imaging sleep studies.
    J Neurosci. Methods, epub, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.09.019
  2. P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn
    White matter intercompartmental water exchange rates determined from detailed modeling of the myelin sheath.
    Magn. Reson. Med., 81, 2019, 628-638
  3. J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, M.K. Schindler, P. Sati, J. Liu, D.S. Reich, J.H. Duyn.
    Impulse response timing differences in BOLD and CBV weighted fMRI.
    Neuroimage, 181, 2018, 292-300
  4. J. Liu, J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, J. Murphy-Boesch, J.H. Duyn
    Effect of head motion on MRI B,sub>0 field distribution.
    Magn. Reson. Med., epub, 2018,
  5. P.S. Özbay, C. Chang, D. Picchioni, H. Mandelkow, T.M. Moehlman, M.G. Chappel-Farley, P. van Gelderen, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn
    Contribution of systemic vascular effects to fMRI activity in white matter.
    Neuroimage, 176, 2018, 541-549
  6. N. Gudino, J.A. de Zwart, Q. Duan, S.J. Dodd, J. Murphy-Boesch, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn
    Optically controlled on-coil amplifier with RF monitoring feedback.
    Magn. Reson. Med., 79, 2018, 2833-2841
  7. X. Jiang, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn
    Spectral charactereistics of semisolid protons in human brain white matter at 7 T.
    Magn. Reson. Med., 78, 2018, 1950-1958
  8. P. van Gelderen, X. Jiang, J.H. Duyn
    Rapid measurement of brain macromolecular proton fraction with transient saturation transfer MRI.
    Magn. Reson. Med., 77, 2017, 2174-2185
  9. K. Shmueli, S.J. Dodd, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn
    Investigating lipids as a source of chemical exchange-induced MRI frequency shifts.
    NMR Biomed., epub, 2016, 10.1002/nbm.3525
  10. P. van Gelderen, X. Jiang, J.H. Duyn
    Effects of magnetization transfer on T1 contrast in human brain white matter.
    NeuroImage, 128, 2016, 85-95
  11. X. Li, P. van Gelderen, P. Sati, J.A. de Zwart, D.S. Reich, J.H. Duyn
    Detection of demyelination in multiple sclerosis by analysis of T2* relaxation at 7 T.
    NeuroImage: Clinical, 7, 2015, 709-714
  12. N. Gudino, Q. Duan, J.A. de Zwart, J. Murphy-Boesch, S.J. Dodd, H. Merkle, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn
    Optically controlled switch-mode current-source amplifiers for on-coil implementation in high-field parallel transmission.
    Magn. Reson. Med., 76, 2016, 340-349
  13. Q. Duan, G. Nair, N. Gudino, J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, J. Murphy-Boesch, D.S. Reich, J.H. Duyn, H. Merkle
    A 7T Spine Array Based on Electric Dipole Transmitters.
    Magn. Reson. Med., 74, 2015, 1189-1197
  14. P. van Gelderen, H. Mandelkow, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn
    A Torque Balance Measurement of Anisotropy of the Magnetic Susceptibility in White Matter.
    Magn Reson Med. 74, 2015, 1388-1396
  15. Q. Duan, J.H. Duyn, N. Gudino, J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, D. Sodickson, R. Brown
    Characterization of a dielectric phantom for high-field magnetic resonance imaging applications.
    Med. Phys, 41, 2014, 102303 (2014);
  16. B Yao, S Hametner, P. van Gelderen, H. Merkle, C. Chen, H. Lassmann, J.H. Duyn, F. Bagnato
    7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Cortical Pathology in Multiple Sclerosis.
    PLoS ONE 9, 2014, e108863. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108863
  17. M. Bianciardi, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn
    Investigation of BOLD fMRI resonance frequency shifts and quantitative susceptibility changes at 7 T.
    Hum Brain Mapp. 2014, 35, 2191-2205
  18. Z. Liu, J.A. de Zwart, C. Chang, Q. Duan, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn
    Neuroelectrical Decomposition of Spontaneous Brain Activity Measured with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
    Cereb Cortex. 2014, 24, 3080-3089
  19. J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, Z. Liu, J.H. Duyn
    Independent sources of spontaneous BOLD fluctuation along the visual pathway.
    Brain Topogr. 2013, 26, 525-537
  20. P. Sati, P. van Gelderen, A.C. Silva, D.S. Reich, H. Merkle, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn.
    Micro-compartment specific T2* relaxation in the brain.
    Neuroimage 77, 2013, 268-278
  21. J.M. Jansma, J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn, W.C. Drevets, M.L. Furey.
    In vivo evaluation of the effect of stimulus distribution on FIR statistical efficiency in event-related fMRI.
    J Neurosci Methods. 215, 2012, 190-195
  22. Q. Duan, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn.
    Improved Bloch-Siegert based B(1) mapping by reducing off-resonance shift.
    NMR Biomed. 63, 2013, epub
  23. Z.Liu, J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, L.W. Kou, J.H. Duyn.
    Finding thalamic BOLD correlates to posterior alpha EEG.
    Neuroimage 63, 2012, 1060-1069
  24. J.Y. Kwan,S.Y. Jeong, P. van Gelderen, H.X. Deng, M.M. Quezado, L.E. Danielian, J.A. Butman, L. Chen, E. Bayat, J. Russell, T. Siddique, J.H. Duyn, T.A. Rouault, M.K. Floeter.
    Iron accumulation in deep cortical layers accounts for MRI signal abnormalities in ALS: correlating 7 Tesla MRI and pathology.
    PLoS One. 7, 2012, epub:35241
  25. P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn, N.F. Ramsey, G. Liu, C.T.W. Moonen.
    The PRESTO technique for fMRI
    Neuroimage 62, 2012, 676-681
  26. I.A. Morocz, F. Janoos, P. van Gelderen, D. Manor, A. Karni, Z. Brenitz, M. van Aster, T. Kushnir, R. Shalev.
    Time-resolved and spatio-temporal analysis of complex cognitive processes and their role in disorders like developmental dyscalculia
    Int. J. of Imaging Systems and Technology. 22, 2012, 81-96
  27. Q. Duan, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn.
    Tailored excitation using nonlinear B0 -shims.
    Magn Reson Med. 2012 67 601-608
  28. B. Yao, F. Bagnato, E. Matsuura, H. Merkle, P. van Gelderen P, F.K. Cantor, J.H. Duyn.
    Chronic multiple sclerosis lesions: characterization with high-field-strength MR imaging.
    Radiology 2012 262 206-215
  29. F. Bagnato, S. Hametner, B. Yao, P. van Gelderen, H. Merkle, F.K. Cantor, H. Lassmann, J.H. Duyn.
    Tracking iron in multiple sclerosis: a combined imaging and histopathological study at 7 Tesla.
    Brain 2011 134 3602-3615
  30. J. Lee, K. Shmueli, B.T. Kang, B. Yao, M. Fukunaga, P. van Gelderen, S. Palumbo, F. Bosetti, A.C. Silva, J.H. Duyn.
    The contribution of myelin to magnetic susceptibility-weighted contrasts in high-field MRI of the brain.
    Neuroimage 2011 59 3967-3975
  31. Z. Liu, J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, L.W. Kuo, J.H. Duyn.
    Statistical feature extraction for artifact removal from concurrent fMRI-EEG recordings.
    Neuroimage. 2012, 59 2073-2087
  32. P. Sati, A.C. Silva, P. van Gelderen, M.I. Gaitan, J.E. Wohler, S. Jacobson, J.H. Duyn, D.S. Reich.
    In vivo quantification of T2* anisotropy in white matter fibers in marmoset monkeys.
    Neuroimage. 2012, 59 979-985
  33. F. Bagnato, V.N. Ikonomidou, P. van Gelderen, S. Auh, J. Hanafy, F.K. Cantor, J. Ohayon, N. Richert, J.H. Duyn.
    Lesions by tissue specific imaging characterize multiple sclerosis patients with more advanced disease.
    Mult Scler. 2011, epub
  34. P. van Gelderen, J.A. de Zwart, J. Lee, P. Sati, D.S. Reich, J.H. Duyn.
    Nonexponential T2* decay in white matter.
    Magn. Reson. Med. 2011, 67 110-117
  35. J. Lee, P. van Gelderen, L-W. Kuo, H. Merkle, A.C. Silva, J.H. Duyn
    T2*-based fiber orientation mapping.
    Neuroimage. 2011, 57: 225
  36. H. Merkle, J. Murphy-Boesch, P. van Gelderen, S.M. Wang S, T.Q. Li TQ, A.P. Koretsky AP, J.H. Duyn
    Transmit B1-field correction at 7 T using actively tuned coupled inner elements.
    Magn. Reson. Med. 2011, 66: 901
  37. M. Biancardi, M. Fukunaga, P. van Gelderen, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn.
    Negative BOLD-fMRI signals in large cerebral veins.
    J Cerb Blood Flow Metab. 2011, 31: 401
  38. J. Lee, K. Shmueli, M. Fukunaga, P. van Gelderen, H. Merkle, A.C. Silva, J.H. Duyn
    Sensitivity of MRI resonance frequency to the orientation of brain tissue microstructure.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010, 107: 5130
  39. M. Fukunaga, T.Q. Li, P. van Gelderen, J.A. de Zwart, K. Shmueli, B. Yao, J. Lee, D. Maric, M.A. Aronova, G. Zhang, R.D> Leapman, J.F> Schenck, H. Merkle, J.H. Duyn
    Layer-specific variation of iron content in cerebral cortex as a source of MRI contrast.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010, 107: 3834
  40. T.Q. Li, B. Yao, P. van Gelderen, H. Merkle, S. Dodd, L. Talagala, A.P. Koretsky, J.H. Duyn.
    Characterization of T2* heterogeneity in human brain white matter.
    Magn. Reson. Med. 2009, 62: 1652
  41. K. Shmueli, J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, T.Q. Li, S. Dodd, J.H. Duyn.
    Magnetic susceptibility mapping of brain tissue in vivo using MRI phase data.
    Magn. Reson. Med. 2009, 62: 1510
  42. L. Qin, P. van Gelderen, J.A. Derbyshire, F. Jin, J.A. de Zwart, Y. Tao, J.H. Duyn.
    Prospective head-movement correction for high-resolution MRI using an in-bore optical tracking system.
    Magn. Reson. Med. 2009, 62: 924-934
  43. J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, J.M. Jansma, M. Fukunaga, M. Biancardi, J.H. Duyn.
    Hemodynamic nonlinearities affect BOLD fMRI response timing and amplitude.
    Neuroimage 2009, 47: 1649-1658
  44. M. Riva, V.N. Ikonomidou, J.J. Ostuni, P. van Gelderen, S. Auh, J.M. Ohayon, F. Tovar-Moll, N.D. Richert, J.H. Duyn, F. Bagnato
    Tissue-specific imaging is a robust methodology to differentiate in vivo T1 black holes with advanced multiple sclerosis-induced damage.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2009, 30: 1394-1401
  45. M. Biancardi, M. Fukunaga, P. van Gelderen, S.G. Horovitz, K. Shmueli, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn.
    Sources of functional magnetic resonance imaging signal fluctuations in the human brain at rest: a 7 T study.
    Magn. Reson. Imaging 2009, 27: 1019-1029
  46. M. Biancardi, M. Fukunaga, P. van Gelderen, S.G. Horovitz, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn.
    Modulation of spontaneous fMRI activity in human visual cortex by behavior state.
    Neuroimage 2009 45:160-168.
  47. B. Yao, T.Q. Li, P. van Gelderen, K. Shmueli, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn.
    Suceptibility Contrast in High Field MRI of Human Brain as function of Tissue Iron Content
    Neuroimage 2009 44:1259-1266.
  48. M Biancardi, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn, M. Fukunaga, J.A. de Zwart.
    Making the most of fMRI at 7 T by suppressing spontaneous signal fluctuations.
    Neuroimage 2008 59:939-945.
  49. J.A. de Zwart, P. van Gelderen, J.H. Duyn.
    Reducing correlated noise in fMRI data.
    Magn. Reson Med. 2009 44:448-454.
  50. P. van Gelderen, J.A. de Zwart, J.H. Duyn.
    Pittsfalls of MRI measurement of white matter perfusion based on arterial spin labeling
    Magn. Reson Med. 2008 59:788-795.
  51. M. Fukunaga, S.G. Horovitz, P. van Gelderen, J.A. de Zwart, T.J. Balkin, A.R. Braun, J.H. Duyn.
    Metabolic origin of BOLD signal fluctuations in the absence of stimuli.
    J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2008 28:1377-1387
  52. SG Horovitz, M Fukunaga, JA de Zwart, P van Gelderen, SC Fulton, TJ Balkin, JH Duyn.
    Low frequency BOLD fluctuations during resting wakefulness and light sleep: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study.
    Hum Brain Mapp 2008 29:671-682
  53. K Shmueli, P van Gelderen, JA de Zwart, SG Horovitz, M Fukunaga, JM Jansma, JH Duyn.
    Low-frequency fluctuations in the cardiac rate as a source of variance in the resting-state fMRI BOLD signal.
    Neuroimage 2007 38:304-320
  54. JH Duyn, P van Gelderen, TQ Li, JA de Zwart, AP Koretsky, M Fukunaga.
    High-field MRI of brain cortical substructure based on signal phase.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 104:11796-11801
  55. JM Jansma, NF Ramsey, JA de Zwart, P van Gelderen, JH Duyn
    fMRI study of effort and information processing in a working memory task
    Hum brain App. 2007 28:431-440
  56. P van Gelderen, JA de Zwart, P Starewicz, RS Hinks, JH Duyn
    Real-time shimming to compensate for respiration-induced B0 fluctuations
    Magn. Reson. Med 2007 57:362-368
  57. RH Deckers, P van Gelderen, M Ries, O Barret, JH Duyn, VN Ikonomidou, M Fukunaga, GH Glover, JA de Zwart
    An adaptive filter for suppression of cardiac and respiratory noise in MRI time series data
    Neuroimage 2006 33:1072-1081
  58. M Fukunaga, SG Horovitz, P van Gelderen, JA de Zwart, JM Jansma, VN Ikonomidou, R Chu, RH Deckers, DA Leopold, JH Duyn
    Large-amplitude, spatially correlated fluctuations in BOLD fMRI signals during extended rest and early sleep stages
    Magn Reson Imaging 2006 24:979-992
  59. TQ Li, P van Gelderen, H Merkle, L Talagala, AP Koretsky, JH Duyn
    Extensive heterogeneity in white matter intensity in high-resolution T2*-weighted MRI of the human brain at 7.0 T
    Neuroimage 2006 32:1032-1040
  60. JA de Zwart, P van Gelderen, X Golay, VN Ikonomidou,JH Duyn
    Accelerated parallel imaging for functional imaging of the human brain
    NMR Biomed. 2006 19:342-351
  61. PS Bellgowan, PA Bandettini, P van Gelderen, A Martin, J Bodurka
    Improved BOLD detection in the medial temporal region using parallel imaging and voxel volume reduction.
    Neuroimage 2006 29:1244-1251
  62. JH Duyn, P van Gelderen, L Talagala, A Koretsky, JA de Zwart
    Technological advances in MRI measurement of brain perfusion.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 2005 22:751-753
  63. CW Wu, P van Gelderen, T Hanakawa, Z Yaseen, LG Cohen
    Enduring representational plasticity after somatosensory stimulation.
    Neuroimage 2005 27:872-884
  64. P van Gelderen, CW Wu, JA de Zwart, L Cohen, M Hallett, JH Duyn
    Resolution and reproducibility of BOLD and perfusion functional MRI at 3.0 Tesla.
    Magn Reson Med 2005 54:569-576
  65. VN Ikonomidou, P van Gelderen, JA de Zwart, M Fukunaga, JH Duyn
    Optimizing brain tissue contrast with EPI: a simulated annealing approach.
    Magn Reson Med 2005 54:373-85
  66. JA de Zwart, AC Silva, P van Gelderen, P Kellman, M Fukunaga, R Chu, AP Koretsky, JA Frank, JH Duyn
    Temporal dynamics of the BOLD fMRI impulse response.
    Neuroimage 2005 24:667-677
  67. R Chu, JA de Zwart, P van Gelderen, M Fukunaga, P Kellman, T Holroyd, JH Duyn,
    Hunting for neuronal currents: absence of rapid MRI signal changes during visual-evoked response.
    Neuroimage 2004 23:1059-67
  68. A Ahmad, R Momenan, P van Gelderen, T Moriguchi, RS Greiner, N Salem Jr.,
    Gray and white matter brain volume in aged rats raised on n-3 fatty acid deficient diets.
    Nutr Neurosci 2004 7:13-20
  69. F Fera, MN Yongbi, P van Gelderen, JA Frank, VS Mattay, JH Duyn,
    EPI-BOLD fMRI of human motor cortex at 1.5 T and 3.0 T: sensitivity dependence on echo time and acquisition bandwidth.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 2004 19:19-26
  70. J Bodurka, PJ Ledden, P van Gelderen, R Chu, JA de Zwart, D Morris, JH Duyn,
    Scalable multichannel MRI data acquisition system.
    Magn Reson Med 2004 51:165-71
  71. JA de Zwart, PJ Ledden, P van Gelderen, J Bodurka, R Chu, JH Duyn,
    Signal-to-noise ratio and parallel imaging performance of a 16-channel receive-only brain coil array at 3.0 Tesla.
    Magn Reson Med 2004 51:22-6
  72. M Klarhofer, B Dilharreguy, P van Gelderen, CTW Moonen,
    A PRESTO-SENSE sequence with alternating partial-Fourier encoding for rapid susceptibility-weighted 3D MRI time series.
    Magn Reson Med 2003 50:830-8
  73. T Hanakawa, I Immisch, K Toma, MA Dimyan, P van Gelderen, M Hallett,
    Functional properties of brain areas associated with motor execution and imagery.
    J Neurophysiol 2003 89:989-1002
  74. P Kellman, P van Gelderen, JA de Zwart, JH Duyn,
    Method for functional MRI mapping of nonlinear response.
    Neuroimage 2003, 19: 190-9.
  75. JA de Zwart, P van Gelderen, P Kellman, JH Duyn,
    Application of sensitivity-encoded echo-planar imaging for blood oxygen level-dependent functional brain imaging.
    Magn Reson Med 2002 48:1011-20
  76. EL Barbier, S Marrett, A Danek, A Vortmeyer, P van Gelderen, J Duyn, P Bandettini, J Grafman, AP Koretsky,
    Imaging cortical anatomy by high-resolution MR at 3.0T: detection of the stripe of Gennari in visual area 17.
    Magn Reson Med 2002 48:735-8
  77. A Bertolino, JL Roffman, BK Lipska, P van Gelderen, A Olson, DR Weinberger,
    Reduced N-acetylaspartate in prefrontal cortex of adult rats with neonatal hippocampal damage.
    Cereb Cortex 2002 12:983-90
  78. JW Bulte, T Douglas, B Witwer, SC Zhang, BK Lewis, P van Gelderen, H Zywicke, ID Duncan, JA Frank,
    Monitoring stem cell therapy in vivo using magnetodendrimers as a new class of cellular MR contrast agents.
    Acad Radiol 2002 9 Suppl 2:S332-5
  79. JA de Zwart, P van Gelderen, P Kellman, JH Duyn,
    Reduction of gradient acoustic noise in MRI using SENSE-EPI.
    Neuroimage 2002 16:1151-5
  80. HA Zywicke, P van Gelderen, JR Connor, JR Burdo, MD Garrick, KG Dolan, JA Frank, JW Bulte,
    Microscopic R2* mapping of reduced brain iron in the Belgrade rat.
    Ann Neurol 2002 52:102-5
  81. JA de Zwart, PJ Ledden, P Kellman, P van Gelderen, JH Duyn,
    Design of a SENSE-optimized high-sensitivity MRI receive coil for brain imaging.
    Magn Reson Med 2002 47:1218-27
  82. JW Bulte, SC Zhang, P van Gelderen, V Herynek, EK Jordan, CH Janssen, ID Duncan, JA Frank,
    Magnetically labeled glial cells as cellular MR contrast agents.
    Acad Radiol 2002 9 Suppl 1:S148-50
  83. JW Bulte, T Douglas, B Witwer, SC Zhang, E Strable, BK Lewis, H Zywicke, B Miller, P van Gelderen, BM Moskowitz, ID Duncan, JA Frank,
    Magnetodendrimers allow endosomal magnetic labeling and in vivo tracking of stem cells.
    Nat Biotechnol 2001 19:1141-7
  84. I Immisch, D Waldvogel, P van Gelderen, M Hallett,
    The role of the medial wall and its anatomical variations for bimanual antiphase and in-phase movements.
    Neuroimage 2001 14:674-84
  85. JH Duyn, CX Tan, P van Gelderen, MN Yongbi,
    High-sensitivity single-shot perfusion-weighted fMRI.
    Magn Reson Med 2001 46:88-94
  86. D Waldvogel, P van Gelderen, I Immisch, C Pfeiffer, M Hallett,
    The variability of serial fMRI data: correlation between a visual and a motor task.
    Neuroreport 2000 11:3843-7
  87. D Waldvogel, P van Gelderen, W Muellbacher, U Ziemann, I Immisch, M Hallett,
    The relative metabolic demand of inhibition and excitation.
    Nature 2000 406:995-8
  88. P van Gelderen, C Grandin, JR Petrella, CTW Moonen,
    Rapid three-dimensional MR imaging method for tracking a bolus of contrast agent through the brain.
    Radiology 2000 216:603-8
  89. JL Roffman, BK Lipska, A Bertolino, P Van Gelderen, AW Olson, ZZ Khaing, DR Weinberger,
    Local and downstream effects of excitotoxic lesions in the rat medial prefrontal cortex on In vivo 1H-MRS signals.
    Neuropsychopharmacology 2000 22:430-9
  90. W Huang, Z Galdzicki, P van Gelderen, A Balbo, EG Chikhale, MB Schapiro, SI Rapoport,
    Brain myo-inositol level is elevated in Ts65Dn mouse and reduced after lithium treatment.
    Neuroreport 2000 11:445-8
  91. JW Bulte, S Zhang, P van Gelderen, V Herynek, EK Jordan, ID Duncan, JA Frank,
    Neurotransplantation of magnetically labeled oligodendrocyte progenitors: magnetic resonance tracking of cell migration and myelination.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1999 96:15256-61
  92. D Waldvogel, P van Gelderen, K Ishii, M Hallett,
    The effect of movement amplitude on activation in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies.
    J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1999 19:1209-12
  93. D Waldvogel, P van Gelderen, M Hallett,
    Increased iron in the dentate nucleus of patients with Friedrich's ataxia.
    Ann Neurol 1999 46:123-5
  94. JH Callicott, NF Ramsey, K Tallent, A Bertolino, MB Knable, R Coppola, T Goldberg, P van Gelderen, VS Mattay, JA Frank, CTW Moonen, DR Weinberger,
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging brain mapping in psychiatry: methodological issues illustrated in a study of working memory in schizophrenia.
    Neuropsychopharmacology 1998 18:186-96
  95. DP Madio, P van Gelderen, D DesPres, AW Olson, JA de Zwart, TW Fawcett, NJ Holbrook, M Mandel, CTW Moonen,
    On the feasibility of MRI-guided focused ultrasound for local induction of gene expression.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 1998 8:101-4
  96. Y Yang, GH Glover, P van Gelderen, AC Patel, VS Mattay, JA Frank, JH Duyn,
    A comparison of fast MR scan techniques for cerebral activation studies at 1.5 tesla.
    Magn Reson Med 1998 39:61-7
  97. DR Weinberger, V Mattay, J Callicott, K Kotrla, A Santha, P van Gelderen, J Duyn, C Moonen, J Frank,
    fMRI applications in schizophrenia research.
    Neuroimage 1996 4:S118-26
  98. Y Yang, GH Glover, P van Gelderen, VS Mattay, AK Santha, RH Sexton, NF Ramsey, CTW Moonen, DR Weinberger, JA Frank, JH Duyn,
    Fast 3D functional magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5 T with spiral acquisition.
    Magn Reson Med 1996 36:620-6
  99. NF Ramsey, K Tallent, P van Gelderen, JA Frank, CTW Moonen, DR Weinberger
    Reproducibility of Human 3D fMRI Brain Maps Acquired During a Motor Task,
    Human Brain Mapping 1996 4: 113-121.
  100. NF Ramsey, BS Kirkby, P Van Gelderen, KF Berman, JH Duyn, JA Frank, VS Mattay, JD Van Horn, G Esposito, CTW Moonen, DR Weinberger,
    Functional mapping of human sensorimotor cortex with 3D BOLD fMRI correlates highly with H2(15)O PET rCBF.
    J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1996 16:755-64
  101. JA de Zwart, P van Gelderen, DJ Kelly, CTW Moonen,
    Fast magnetic-resonance temperature imaging.
    J Magn Reson B 1996 112:86-90
  102. G Liu, P van Gelderen, J Duyn, CTW Moonen,
    Single-shot diffusion MRI of human brain on a conventional clinical instrument.
    Magn Reson Med 1996 35:671-7
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